Ankita's World


Ankita Gokul
Birth Date : 12/April/2010
Birth Weight: 2.5Kg
Birth Length: 50cm
Growth Chart
Date Weight Length
03/April/2015 21 Kgs 3.0 ft. 10 in.

23/May/2014 18.6Kgs 3.0 ft. 7 in.

25/June/2013 18Kgs 3.0 ft. 3 in.

21/April/2012 14.2Kgs 2.0 ft. 11 in.

12/Apr/2010 2.5Kgs. 1 ft. 6 in.

Fun Facts
Fun Fact
Ankita means "Marked by God"

Before my brother was born, my parents decided on two names: Akhil for boy and Ankita for girl

My name was decided on 17th May 2007 (one day before my brother was born)

My brother has a website too. It is called Akhil's World

I came home on June 03, 2011.

My dad calls me ToTo ToTo and my mom calls me Alli Balli. I wonder what it means?

I love eating curd, dressing up Barbie, playing acting game and crying over small things

I started wearing glasses in 2014. Mom says it is because of watching TV but dad said he is wearing glasses because he is intelligent (?!)




Last Updated: 11/Apr/2015    Sign up for Updates!
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